A Tea Bowl
A red, rather, a grayish red
tea bowl sits in my kitchen
a little awkwardly,
wondering where it is brought to.

It is a gift from him.
He made the bowl using his
fingers and eyes.
At the bottom of the bowl,
three waves he carved
to leave his mark
in this fragile world.

I put a tea bag into the bowl
and pour hot water into it.
Now the bowl looks proud,
doing dutifully its assignment.
I hold the bowl
and put it back. It is too
hot on my fingers.
I wait.

I wait and
look inside the bowl.
Moments walk by me.
I look at the curves; His fingers,
which created these lines, didn't
know me then. Reddish curves
I touch, waiting for the water
to cool down.

Moments pass by in my universe.
My lips on the edge of the bowl---
sipping the tip of another universe.
It's still too hot; I look at the curves
and think of his fingers
and his eyes.
The moment freezes.